Friday, June 12, 2009

What A Debt Collector Does?

A debt collector’s job is to collect money for the people you owe. In other words, debt collectors provide debt collection services for companies trying to collect on past-due debts. There are also third-party collectors who buy old debts for pennies on the dollar.

You may get a call from a debt collector if you are late on your credit card payment, if you have not paid your mortgage or car payment, or if you have other loans or bills that are in default.
Debt collectors can be aggressive and even hostile in attempting to collect money you owe. They may even make threats to scare you into paying them before you pay your other obligations. Do not let them bully you.

Instead, know your rights. With the information below, you will learn how to deal with debt collectors and how to begin taking charge of past-due bills on your own terms, once and for all!
Your Rights As A Debtor are:

  • A debt collector cannot contact family, friends, neighbors, or employers regarding your debts.

  • A debt collector may not contact you late at night or too early in the morning (typically between 8 am and 9pm).

  • A debt collector cannot call repeatedly.

  • A debt collector must identify themselves.

  • A debt collector may not make threats.

  • A debt collector cannot use obscene or abusive language.

  • A debt collector cannot claim you are breaking a law if you are not.